Manage Backup Groups

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Create a new backup group


1)When creating a new backup job using the New Backup Wizard, type a new name (that does not exist) for the backup group. The new group will be created when the wizard is finished.
2)When editing backup job's properties, type a new name (that does not exist) for the backup group. The new group will be created when the window is closed.
3)Right click on backup list (left panel of the main window) and choose New Group. The Create a new group window will appear and you can enter the name of the group. A new empty group will be created (which can be selected later from the Groups combo of the New Backup Wizard or from the Backup Properties window).



Rename a backup group


Right-click on the backup list and choose Rename Group. A window similar with the one for Create a new group will appear. You can enter the new name and press OK. The group will be renamed and it will keep all the backup jobs it had.



Delete a backup group


Open the backup group to see its jobs. Then right-click and choose Delete Group. A warning message will appear before the deletion. If you choose Yes, the backup group will be deleted with all its backup jobs. To move backup jobs to a different backup group, you must edit the backup job's properties and select a different group for them.